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Survey - Part I
step I: let's get started with 9 nouns
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Übung 1
Ordne jetzt die Substantive zu !
Übung 2
Hör zu und sprich nach !
Übung 3
Hör zu und nimm deine Stimme auf !
Übung 4
Wie heißt der richtige Artikel ?
Übung 5
Übersetze !
Übung 6
Höre zu und schreibe die Wörter auf !
Übung 7
Berichtige das Wort !
step II: create combinations
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Übung 1
Ordne im Quiz die richtigen Verben den Substantiven zu!
Ordne die Verben den Substantiven zu! Versuche es jetzt noch einmal.
Übung 2
Hör zu und nimm deine Stimme auf !
Übung 2a
Und welche Silbe ist betont?
Übung 3
Übe die Verbkonjugation und bemerke den Vokalwechsel!
Welches Verb hat einen oder keinen Vokalwechsel?
Übung 4
Setze die passende Verbform ein !
Übung 5
Setze das passende Verb ein und konjugiere das Verb !
Übung 6
Höre und schreibe auf !
step III: Let's have conversations :)
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Übung 1
Ein inspirierendes Gespräch. Beantworte die Fragen von Susa und Bob!
Übung 1a
Frage 1: Nimm deine Antwort auf!
Frage 2: Nimm deine Antwort auf!
Fragen 3: Nimm deine Antwort auf!
Frage 4: Nimm deine Antwort auf!
Frage 5: Nimm deine Antwort auf!
Frage 6: Nimm deine Antwort auf!
Frage 7: Nimm deine Antwort auf!
Frage 8: Nimm deine Antwort auf!
Frage 9: Nimm deine Antwort auf!
Frage 10: Nimm deine Antwort auf!
Frage 11: Nimm deine Antwort auf!
Frage 12: Nimm deine Antwort auf!
Übung 2
Arbeitsblatt - Übe die Satzstruktur und schreibe Sätze!
Lösung Arbeitsblatt
Übung 3
Lösung: die Verben im Lückentext
Übung 4
Lass uns quatschen! Let's chat...
Übung 5
Beantworte die Fragen und höre die Antworten!
Übung 6
Was weißt du jetzt über Nomen-Verb Verbindungen und Wortkombinationen?
Bonus: Let's dive deeper into understanding details of the dialog
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Übung 1
Erinnerst du dich an alle Verben aus dem Dialog?
Teste nun dein Wissen über die Verben!
Übung 2
Kennst du die Bedeutung aller Phrasen und Ausdrücke im Dialog?
Übung 3
Festige und wiederholde dein Wissen über das Perfekt!
Übung 4
Übe nun die Adjektive!
Übung 5
Lerne etwas über Geographie und Kultur von der Ostsee!
Survey II - after completion of the course
Next Steps...
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Instructor M.A. Susanne Richter
When I first started teaching German in 2007, I had to confront a lot of challenges. I had no idea if I would ever be able to be a good German Language Tutor and make my students happy although I learned 2 Foreign Languages to fluency and I was holding a solid postgraduate University degree in "German as Foreign Language" and "Spanish studies" from University Leipzig, Germany.
So, I taught years at Sydney University, Highschools and private language schools and learned as much as I could along the way, and here I am. Now let me save you the time and trouble of learning German on your own. I’ve helped hundreds of people get to where they want to go with their learning goals.
I promise to you that with your passion and my know how, I’ll get you there too. You will learn faster and feel more confident and empowered to converse with anyone in German. You will feel secure in sentence structure and grammar as well as in pronunciation. And last but not least, you will know how to use learning strategies to improve your knowledge on your own.
I was born and raised in Germany. These days I am spending my time tutoring in Dresden, Berlin and in Sydney. Travelling enriches my Life and expands my mind. My little old camera is always there with me so I can capture the uniqueness of places and landscapes. Yoga and Meditation is another important part of my Life and so I became a Yoga Instructor so I could serve more language learners in their way of learning. The skills I gained from learning meditation and having practised meditation for many, many years are being more and more integrated by me and received very well by students who lack focus, are stressed or easily distracted.
My passion other than teaching German and learning languages is dance. Contemporary Dance inspires me to be creative beyond imagination.
Currently I'm studying "mind coaching" with Impact Theory as an online course where I get insight into habit forming, mechanics of learning and brain function.Susanne Richter
Magistra Artium in German as Foreign Language and Spanish Studies

your benefits
more than just 9 word combinations
master 9 contemporary word combinations that are practical for all your conversations, yet with a touch of charm, so you stand out when communicating in German
besides be introduced pleasantly to a refreshing variety of ordinary phrases in an out of ordinary course setting
feel uplifted by the inspirational conversation that is the centre of this course
master German intuitively and discover appealing possibilities of phrasing sentences, shall the ideas given to you inspire you to take your German to the next Level
follow the flow and let yourself guide through a gentle build up with progression and repetition. Until you know it, you'll walk away having memorised it all ready to use new enlivening phrases in your personal day to day Life
BONUS: The built-in Discussions feature allows you to connect, chat, ask questions & leave comments. Never feel shy in contacting us personally should you have any questions regarding the course.
Take part in the creation process and contact support to share your ideas with the creators and designers Henry Lehmann (IT expert) & Susanne Richter (Language Instructor). We ware eager to create a learning journey that excites you.